Simple Filesystem

I want a simple file system like thing.

Every file storage thing I use has a bunch of different quirks.

  • S3 works, but it’s a pain to use for small use cases.
  • IPFS is nice, but it has a bunch of data availability concerns, and everything being content addressed can be nice in some cases but awful in others.
  • arweave is cool, but getting tokens is a problem in the US?

So what am I looking for?

I just want something where I can dump a bunch of files. I can organize the metadata later.

  • Files should be decentralized
  • Files should be able to be provably deleted
  • Files should exist as long as I want them to. They shouldn’t randomly dissapear.
  • Files should be able to be accessed by a URL
  • Files should be able to be accessed by a hash

I would love to be able to use IPFS as a file system, but I can’t delete files? This doesn’t work.